On the 11thof January, Joel James MS for South Wales Central led an important Welsh Conservative
debate in the Senedd Chamber concerning the worrying rise in liver disease in Wales.
As Chair of the Cross-Party Group for the Liver Disease and Liver Cancer in the Welsh Parliament, Joel
spoke about the doubling of people diagnosed over the last 10 years and the appalling lack of specialist
care in some regions. The Welsh Conservatives called for: doubling the specialist liver disease
workforce, seven-day alcohol care teams in all health boards and the implementation of care
pathways to help improve the life expectancy of those suffering from liver cancer.
Joel said:
“Wales has the highest mortality rate due to liver disease across all four nations of the UK
and has the lowest average five year survivable rate”.
“The number of people diagnosed with liver disease in Wales has now more than tripled in the last
20 years to the highest level ever recorded, which is a worrying trend, more so because it seems our
NHS does not have the capability to deal with this added pressure ”.
“Though the Welsh Government didn’t adopt the entirety of our motions, I’m nonetheless delighted
that we were able to raise awareness of such a terrible disease and I hope to see concrete action
from the Government in the future”.
By raising this issue in the heart of Welsh Governance, Joel ensured to signal his intent on holding the
Welsh Government to account on this matter and ensuring they improve their services to the Welsh