
Rob Jones

The fundraising challenges associated with creating capital to run i.e. World of Words continue and so many stones have been overturned in the quest to accumulate revenue. WOW is a non-profit social enterprise that has literacy and well-being at its core.

There have been school sessions, after schools clubs, a skydive, adult literacy classes, the Cultural Chapter get-togethers, a cycle ride from Toulouse to Tonypandy, a 10 km swim, a concert, outdoor storytelling, a talent display, a flower sale, bag packs, bucket collections, raffles, a quiz, selling anything from clothes to CD’s to book, stalls at school fetes, a car boot sale, successful grant applications, donations, sponsorships, token drop-offs at supermarkets, voucher collections in newspapers and the list goes on and will continue.

This has been a solo quest on so many occasions – organising, administering and coordinating all of the above factors but it has been worth it as at June 2800 nearly 3000 folk (mostly children) have been involved in World of Words deliveries with our gatherings now also welcoming adults to social meetings. The future is being panned as post-Covid-19 lockdown there are aims to get more people on board.

However, cash is the key so we need to maintain the momentum and if you can help please email or call 07981 633361. Thanks, stay safe, and take care….